Valeria loves this bread and whenever she comes over I make it for her. I promised to put the recipe online so she could make it at home. Here it is friend, enjoy! 😘

Valeria’s Cheesy Finger Bread

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1 loaf of bakery bread, like a French loaf or ciabatta

2c cheese, shredded (I used Monterey Jack and Colby)

1 stick butter, unsalted, divided

1/2t garlic powder

1/2t oregano

1/2t salt

1/2t parsley

Preheat oven to 400.

Cut the loaf creating finger size pieces, do not cut all the way through the bottom crust. For me, cutting a French loaf the long way first is easier; cutting a ciabatta loaf starting in the middle and working your way to the outside I find easier.

Place the cut loaf on a piece of aluminum foil large enough it can be folded closed.

Melt 1/4c butter (half the stick) and stir in the garlic, oregano, and salt. Pour over the bread, pulling apart the fingers to get the butter down inside the loaf.

Stuff 1 1/2c of the cheese into the fingers. Close the foil and place on baking sheet.

Bake for 18 to 20 minutes.

Open the foil up to make a little basket for the bread. Melt the remaining butter (1/4c) and drizzle it over the top of the bread. Add the remaining cheese on the top and sprinkle with parsley.

Leave the foil open and return to the oven for another 4-6 minutes (to melt that cheese).

Serve warm. 

Please note this recipe was developed at high altitude, your baking time may vary.

Alternative: throw in some red pepper flakes, use the same spices you are using in your main dish, if you are counting calories you can leave off the last 1/4c butter, you could use different cheeses (cheddar or even mozzarella).